Adams, Sebastian
Adams, Dr. William Lysander
Anderson, Caroline
Anderson, Magilbra
Badger, Ephraim and his ladies
Badger, Ephraim and family
Bailes, Keathley and Sarah
Bailey, Jeremy and Luvina
Baker, Col. Edward Dickson
Barlow, William
Barnes, C. M.
Beeks, James and Mary
Berry, George K.
Bethany, a photo survey
Billington, Frank E.
Bonney, Sherwood
Briggs, Elias
Briggs, Samuel and Susanna
Briggs, William F.
Bristow, Elijah
Brown, John Thomas
Brown, Judson
Brunk, Emily
Brunk, Harrison
Browning, Edmund Green
Buchanan, Amos
Burnett, Glen Owen
Burnett, Peter Rogers
Butler, Ira F. M.
Caldwell, Will
Callison, Gilmore and Eliza
Callison, Robert and Rufus
Callison, Robert
Campbell, Alexander
Campbell, Eliza Jane
Campbell, Prince Lucian
Campbell, Thomas Franklin
Cheetham, Neil
Cook, Francis L.
Cowden, William F.
Crawford, Jasper Vincent
Crawford, Family of Jasper Vincent
Cunningham, William Randolph
Dailey, Charles and Lois
Daisley, John
Damon, John W.
Dart, Charles Bisby
Davidson, E. E.
Delta Tau Delta building in Bethany, WV
Dunlap, Robert Edmund
Elledge, Daniel William
Easter, Jacob P.
Errett, Davis
Eshelman, Jacob Thomas (Jake)
Espy, Samuel C.
Esson, Alby
Faulconer, Absalom Bainbridge
Fisher, Anna Scroll up.
Fisher, Eli Scroll up.
Flint, Isaac
Flint, Purdy
Ford, Nathaniel and Lucinda
Fulton, Belle
Fry, Jason
Gregg, Samuel
Goodwin, Elijah
Ghormley, John Fletcher
Hamilton, Jane
Hamilton, Supplina
Harris, Edward
Harvey, Amos
Harvey, Jane
Herrold, L. O.
Himes, Tyrus
Holmes, J. B.
Horn, Marion F.
Honeywell, A. A.
Huntington, William L.
Ireland, Gilbert E.
Jackson, Henry
Jenkins, John W.
Johnson, John Wesley
Knowles, Victor
Letson, Samuel Brisbin
Law, O. J.
Lewis, William Ervin and Trudy
Lister, John B.
Long, R. A. Scroll down
Longmire, David
Longmire, James
Lord, J. A.
Luark, Marcellus
Lyle, Ellen Scott
McBride, Dr. James
McBride, Mahala (Mrs. James)
McBride, Thomas Allen Scroll up.
McCallum, James S.
McCarty, Alexander Vance
McCash, Isaac Newton
McClure, Vincent Scott
McCorkle, John
McDonald, Turner
McMillan, Jim
Meldrum, Andrew Mackenzie
Meldrum, Helen
Montavilla, Portland building in 1921
Moore, Billy and Dian Scroll up.
Morgan, H. B.
Monroe, Neil
Morgan, Delbert Loyd
Morgan, Thomas McBride and Rachel
Morgan, Thomas McBride -- sons
Mulkey, Charles Ennis
Mulkey, Isaac Newton
Mulkey, John
Mulkey, Mrs. John (Elizabeth)
Mulkey, Isaac Newton
Mulkey, Philip
Murphy, John Ecles
Newby, William
Norris, Benjamin F.
Onsdorff, Peter and Ida
Paul, William E.
Payne, Aaron
Peterson, Martin
Peterson, Orval D.
Phillips, Clifton and Amy
Powell, Alfred
Powell, John
Powell, Noah
Reeves, David
Reeves, David Reeves' family
Richardson, Dr. Isaac Newton
Rigdon, John
Roberts, John Engard
Rich, George P.
Richey, George C. Scroll up.
Ross, George W.
Roundtree, James and Emeline
Ruble, Columbia
Ruble, David
Ruble, Orlena
Ruble, Ruth Russell
Ruble, Sarah McKay
Ruble, Schuyler and Abigail
Ruble, William
Ruble, William Newton
Rushford, Jerry Scroll up.
Rushing, Gentry
Rowland, Levi Lindsay
Sanderson, Eugene Claremont
San Jose Bible College about 1940
Santa Cruz Tabernacle - 1889
Scott, Walter
Scoville, Arlene Dux
Scoville, Charles Reign
Scoville Evangelistic Company
Sehlbrede, Charles Augustus
Sellars, G. D. Scroll up.
Sharpe, Joseph Higber Scroll up.
Shismanian, G. N.
Shoemake, Albert Taylor
Skaggs, Abram D.
Smith, Andrew Jackson
Smith, John Burris
Smith, J. N.
Spinning, Dr. Charles
Stanley, David Truman Scroll up.
Stewart, John Foster
Stevens, John D.
Stone, Barton W.
Stone, John N.
Streator, Jonathan M. Scroll up.
Surber, Green Lee
Sutherland, John and Nancy
Swander, Clarence Franklin
Todd, Abbott Levi Scroll up.
Turner, Henry L.
Turner, Julia Ann
Utz, Benjamin
Utz, Cora
Wade, A. B.
Walden, Freeman M.
Waller, Mac
Waller, Mary
Ward, Jack
Wells, Alexander
Wetzell, David
Wilson, William H. and Hannah
White, Willie
Wolverton, Bruce
Word, Archie